[Richard Carter Higgins] (Cambridge, Inghilterra 1938 - Québec, Canada 1998)
An Exemplativist Manifesto
Luogo: New York
Editore: Unpublished Editions
Stampatore: senza indicazione dello stampatore
Anno: 1976 (26 agosto) [ma settembre/novembre]
Legatura: manifesto pieghevole
Dimensioni: 55,5x43,5 cm.
Pagine: pp. 4 n.n.
Descrizione: stampa in nero su fondo beige. Edizione originale.
Bibliografia: Archivio della Fondazione Luigi Bonotto: Code n. FX0031 1/2
Prezzo: € 150ORDINA / ORDER
“Our arts... seem always to involve some aspect of performance - we enact, we do, we perform or commit aesthetic acts. We commit an act of education when we teach or when we present our live manifestations. Even our most static works are the result of such acts and, thus, have a performance aspect... - the action of the artist... is always sensed in the work and so the work can never be a fixity. Like life itself, our works are impure - always the centers of emanations of experience” (Dick Higgins).